Dental Care


Dental exams and cleanings are routine checkups that deal with a person’s mouth, teeth, and overall oral health. Our family dentistry team in Scottsdale makes dental checkups, cleanings, and exams a breeze. A typical dental checkup routine includes a cleaning and a formal examination, which often includes a dental x-ray. If a dentist notices an oral health problem during the examination, there may also be a treatment plan added on to the appointment. To maintain strong and healthy teeth, it is recommended to have a dental exam once every six months.

During a dental cleaning at our Scottsdale office, either the dentist or dental hygienist will perform a professional teeth cleaning. This is meant to polish the patient’s teeth and remove any debris, plaque, tartar, or stains. If the patient is a child or teenager, this is also the time when the dentist will teach the child how to brush teeth and floss correctly. The cleaning can be performed before or after the dental examination.

Dental Care for Kids

During the actual dental exam, our Scottsdale team will check for possible dental problems. These include gum disease, oral cancer, an abnormal bite, missing or broken teeth, and the overall cosmetic appearance of the teeth. This is also the time to check up on any unresolved problems that were noticed during a previous dental checkup. Our Scottsdale dental team also performs mouth x-rays to look for tooth root decay and cavities. If a patient does have any oral health problems, the dentist will draw up a treatment plan during the appointment. The treatment will either be carried out during the exam or scheduled for a future date.

Maintaining regular dental exams and cleanings are important because oral health is connected to overall health. Regular appointments allow dentists to fix teeth related health problems right away as well as prevent them from getting worse. Schedule a dental checkup at our Scottsdale office today!



Missing tooth


Composite fillings are white, tooth colored fillings that are used to repair both small and large cavities.



Loose dentures can be troublesome. Over time dentures allow your jaw bone to shrink and will remain loose over your lifetime,


Pinhole Technique

Using specially designed instruments, the gum tissue is loosened and guided over the receeded part of the tooth.

Dental Services

Crown Dentures

A dental crown, or cap, is a type of dental restoration device used to cover up a tooth or dental implant at and above the gum line.

Dental Care

Tooth Protection

Using dental sealants is a popular and effective way to help prevent tooth decay.

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    Smile Esthetics is located in Scottsdale Arizona, our friendly dental team delivers uniquely personalized and high-quality care to patients. From same-day emergency treatment to extensive esthetic cases, your comfort and outcome are our top priority.

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